ArcGIS Solutions

Immunization Outreach Solution Released

Raising vaccine awareness requires collaboration between public health, providers, medical personnel, and community-based organizations.

While vaccine hesitancy has always existed to a degree, the rapid response surrounding the development of a COVID-19 vaccine created a new wave of caution among the public. Now more than ever, public health agencies need to have strong, transparent vaccination campaigns that can provide education on the invaluable benefits of vaccinations and answer questions to continue promoting healthy communities.

The Immunization Outreach solution delivers a set of capabilities that help state and local governments inventory vaccine providers, communicate vaccination coverage, and promote available resources. Understanding where immunization rates may be low helps local governments optimize public education campaigns and resource allocations. Highlighting where resources are available in the community helps those looking to be vaccinated find the providers they need.

Streamline vaccine provider inventories

Some locations offering vaccines are well established like hospitals, clinics, or pharmacies. However, public, work, and school-sponsored pop-up events are dynamic. Creating a comprehensive inventory and mapping these locations helps direct the public to find the closest, most convenient, and appropriate resources. Health Program leads need an effortless way to update this information. In many cases, health agencies will complement these providers with pop-up clinics or specialized events. These events need to be managed in the same way and clearly specify when they start and end. This allows health agencies to provide the public with information quickly and clearly on a map.

Immunization Manager

The Vaccine Provider Manager app can be used by health program leads to organize and maintain an inventory of vaccine providers and pop-up vaccination events.

Increase public trust and awareness

Improving vaccination rates starts at the community level. It requires a transparent public education program that provides information about the benefits and safety of immunizations. Being transparent and sharing vaccination rate metrics can build confidence in the community and can help internal stakeholders identify disparities by geography or demographics.

Immunization Outreach

The Immunization Outreach solution leverages an ArcGIS Hub site to help health and human services agencies communicate the extent of vaccination coverage, promote available resources, and learn more about vaccination safety. From this destination, the public can access the Immunization Distribution Dashboard to visualize demographic metrics.

The Vaccine Locator app is accessed from this site and allows the public to find vaccine provider information and location easily on a map. The searching and filtering capabilities make it easy for the public to find closest providers, operational hours, vaccine offered, insurance accepted, appointment and contact information.

Additional resources

We are so happy to share this release with you. Below, you can find additional resources you may find useful.

About the authors

Jeremiah is an ArcGIS Solutions product engineer. He has more than 20 years experience with Esri, including six years as an instructor with Educational Services and several years as a solution engineer on the State and Local Government Global Business team. For the last several years he has been supporting public safety and health workflows with ArcGIS Solutions.


Lea Harper is a Product Engineer for the ArcGIS Solutions State and Local Governments Team, specializing in Public Safety. Prior to working with Esri, her experience included using GIS to solve problems in the realms of facilities management, sustainability, and resilience. In her free time, Lea's often adventuring with her family or enjoying hobbies like reading and gardening.

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