ArcGIS Business Analyst

Follow the rules: Territory validation in ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro

Territory Design is part of the Business Analyst extension in ArcGIS Pro. It contains a collection of geoprocessing tools and capabilities to create and manage territories of any size, shape, and location. In the recent ArcGIS Pro 3.1 release, a convenient new feature in Territory Design is the Validate Territories tool. This detects if any territories are breaking or overriding preset rules, like a maximum distance of 30 miles or a territory size of 500,000 households.

Validate Territories command on the ArcGIS Pro Territory Design ribbon.

Below is an example of warning messages presented by the Validate Territories tool. In this example I assigned new territory elements that broke previously assigned rules, then ran Validate Territories to check for potential problems.

Here is what was found…we have some rule-breakers:

Territory validation warning messages.

In the territory attribute tables, the same warning messages are also added to each territory feature record. This allows an easy review of rule-breaking features. Violations can be fixed manually, or a re-run of the Solve process will automatically return the territories to their original status.

Validate Territories warning messages shown in an attribute table.

To highlight these scenarios in more detail, we have created a workflow video.

Here is a complete list of potential rules violations that Validate Territories looks for:

About the author

Kyle is a Principal Product Engineer with Esri - focusing on geospatial technologies and applied demographics. He is part of a global team responsible for building next generation ArcGIS Business Analyst applications.

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