ArcGIS Experience Builder

Create a custom web application in ArcGIS Experience Builder to display the racial makeup of disadvantaged communities using Business Analyst widget

With the latest update of ArcGIS Experience Builder, you can now include the Business Analyst widget in your web experiences to display infographics. These infographics display key socio-economic and demographic and information, Tapestry segments, and business information, giving context and adding insight to your maps and location-based analyses.

This blog article will guide you through the process of creating a web application in ArcGIS Experience Builder using a web map that displays the racial makeup of communities eligible for federal investments. The map quantifies the number and share of each racial group living in disadvantaged communities at the county level. Counties in the U.S. and its territories are colored and sized according to the number of racial/ethnic populations living in disadvantaged communities. Details of the assessment are provided in the popup for every county in the United States and its territories American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.  To learn more about this web map, see How we did it: Designing a web map to analyze racial disadvantage in the U.S.

You will accomplish this task in five steps:

  1. Choose a template.
  2. Add data to the map.
  3. Pair the Map and Business Analyst widgets.
  4. Set an action trigger on the map widget to display the infographic interactively.
  5. Configure the Alert widget to provide instructions about the application.

You can also view the final product: Racial Makeup of Communities Eligible for Federal Investments. (To access this application, you must be signed in with an ArcGIS organization account to use the Business Analyst widget).

1. Choose a template.

Experience Builder has a large template gallery to create your own Experience Builder app with BA widget. All sample templates provide pre-configured layouts and contain notes explaining the use cases and configurations.

The image displays Launchpad template in Experience Builder template gallery.

2. Add data to the map.

Once you have chosen the best template for your web experience, you can customize it with your own data.

The image displays the steps of selecting Select Map and then Add new data.


The image displays Disadvantaged Groups by Race web map in ArcGIS Online gallery.

Now we will pair our map with the Business Analyst widget for an interactive infographic experience.

3. Pair the map with an infographic.

The Launchpad template is designed with an emphasis on the map and includes a Controller widget at the bottom of the page, containing a Table widget, Map Layer widget and Legend. You can add a new widget, and resize and reposition the controller widget as you wish.

The image displays the steps of adding and dropping Business Analyst widget from the left panel onto the controller widget.
The image displays buffers are disabled under Customize buffer panel on the left.
The image displays search button under Customize Search on the left panel is disabled.
The image displays the steps of clicking Customize infographic button on the right panel, selecting an Infographic template from the drop-won menu and turning off Run on map click and Display header toggle buttons on the right panel.

4. Set action trigger on the map widget to display infographic interactively.

The Business Analyst widget works with other widgets (Map, List, Table, Search) that support action trigger (record selection changes). For example, you can configure action trigger on Map widget that contains polygon or point features and use the record selections from this widget to run infographics in the Business Analyst widget.

The image displays the steps of clicking Add a trigger and then Record selection changes buttons on the right panel under Action.


The image shows Business Analyst widget added under Action on the right panel.

5. Configure an Alert widget to provide information and instructions about the application.

The image displays the Alert widget under window panel on the left.
The image dislays teh Alert widget poviding teh following information and instructions about the web application: "This map widget contains a web layer that displays the racial makeup of communities eligible for federal investments according to Justice40 Initiative criteria. The map quantifies the number and share of each race/ethnic group living in disadvantaged communities at the county level. Counties in the U.S. and its territories are colored and sized according to the number of race/ethnic populations living in disadvantaged communities. Details of the assessment are provided in the popup for every county in the United States and its territories American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. To learn more about the web map, see How we did it: Designing a web map to analyze racial disadvantage in the U.S. Instructions for using this application: Select a Census Tract boundary from the map. Select an infographic from Esri Infographics' ready-to-use templates. To view the infographic, click on Run Infographic."


The image displays a pop-up window on the right showing information on Bronx County in New York and a drop-down menu of Esri Infographics to choose from the left panel.

Here, the interactive infographic displays key socio-economic information for a Census tract in Bronx County in New York.

The image displays the interactive infographic with socio-economic information for Bronx County.

Now you can publish the web application. Once you have published this web application, viewers of your app can click Census tracts on the map to learn about the racial composition of communities eligible for federal investments according to Justice40 criteria, as well as key socio-economic information. This information provides insight into the patterns of racial inequalities in our neighborhoods and can provide common understanding across local governments and businesses to effect positive change.

Business Analyst widget

The Business Analyst Widget in Experience Builder is out of beta with great new features!

Find and use Business Analyst web experience templates

About the authors

Elif is a Product Engineer of Social Analysis and Data Science for the ArcGIS Business Analyst team


Fasil is a Senior Product Engineer on the ArcGIS Business Analyst team.

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