ArcGIS Online

Environment Layers Retiring December 2022

Every year in December, layers from Esri’s content catalog are retired. The layers listed below will no longer be available. These layers have been in mature support, marked as deprecated, and not actively maintained for at least two years, following the Process for Deprecating Maps and Layers. Each has a replacement layer which is actively maintained and updated every year. If you haven’t done so already, please update your webmaps and apps to use the updated layers so you are always working with the best data available. If you have maps and apps using any of the layers listed below, please swap in the replacement layer, or please check your layers to make sure they are not marked as Deprecated.

Retired Content


Retired Layer Replacement Layer
USA Active Quaternary Faults Earthquake Faults and Folds in the USA
USA Hazardous Waste Sites Facility Registry Service (FRS) Interests
USA Permitted Point Source Water Pollution EPA Facility Registry Service – National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Sites (NPDES)
USA Watershed Boundary Dataset Watershed Boundaries
USA Insect and Disease Risk Risk of Tree Mortality Due to Insects and Disease
World Ecophysiographic Diversity 2014 World Ecophysiographic Diversity 2015
World Ecophysiographic Facets 2014 World Ecophysiographic Facets 2015
World Ecophysiographic Land Units 2014 World Ecophysiographic Land Units 2015
World Land Cover ESA 2009 European Space Agency WorldCover 2020 Land Cover
World Landforms MORAP Method 2014 World Ecological Facets Landform Classes
World Population Estimate WorldPop Total Population 2000-2020 100m
World Land Cover ESA 2010 Quality Global Land Cover 1992-2019
World Land Cover ESA 2010 Global Land Cover 1992-2019
World Population Density Estimate 2016 WorldPop Population Density 2000-2020
World Population Estimate 2016 WorldPop Total Population 2000-2020 100m
World Population Estimated 2015 WorldPop Total Population 2000-2020 100m
World Population Estimated Density 2015 WorldPop Population Density 2000-2020 100m
World Settlement Score 2016 WorldPop Total Population 2000-2020 100m
USA Historic Sites USA Historic Sites

Note for ArcGIS Enterprise Users

If you use ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6 to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1, you may see these layers in searches throughout your Enterprise portal. Please note that once retired, the underlying data will be inaccessible, and the layer will be broken. Therefore, please make the appropriate replacements. For more information on the lifecycle of Living Atlas content in ArcGIS Enterprise, please see the Living Atlas content life cycles and updates help topic.

About the author

Project Manager for the ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World Environment Team

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