ArcGIS Pro

How to work with numeric fields in Data Engineering

In your work as GIS professionals, you have the tremendous power to visually represent the way the world works by creating a map. A key aspect of how you do this are the various numeric fields that contain data that represents complex topics. These numeric fields are some of your most important building blocks: when used properly, they can capture the information needed to analyze, understand, and map. When used improperly, they can obscure important patterns or even misinform.

Data Engineering in ArcGIS Pro provides useful options to work with numeric fields. In this post we’ll go over a few of these options:

The following video shows you how to get started:

The video has demonstrated a few of the ways you can interact with numeric fields in Data Engineering. The experience works best in combination with the attribute table, charts views, and fields views to help you properly explore and prepare your numeric fields.

Some of the options the video covered barely scratch the surface, so stay tuned for future posts where you can learn more about working with different data types, exploring and remediating missing data, and more.

View more resources about how to use Data Engineering

Watch all the “Data Engineering: How to” videos on our channel

About the authors

Alberto Nieto is a Product Engineer on Esri’s Spatial Statistics team. In his role, he helps research, build, and maintain spatial data science capabilities in ArcGIS and works closely with government agencies to learn about the problems our software can help solve. Alberto’s background includes fourteen years of experience, including previous roles as a GIS Developer at Capital One and NOAA's Climate Prediction Center, and as a GIS Analyst at the Census Bureau and the Alachua County Environmental Protection Department.


Ankita Bakshi is a Product Owner and a Senior Product Engineer on the Spatial Statistics Team at Esri. With a background in environmental engineering and computer science, she is passionate about solving social, economic, and environmental problems with Spatial Analysis and Data Science. In her role, Ankita enjoys researching, finding solutions to build software, and loves creating video and written content to make the software tools more approachable and applicable to real world challenges. Outside of work Ankita enjoys going on hikes and dancing to Bollywood music.


Lynne Buie is a Product Engineer on the Spatial Statistics team. She helps build spatial statistics tools and Data Engineering capabilities for ArcGIS Pro. She's passionate about using GIS to help make the world a better place.

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