ArcGIS Pro

Update: CityGML to ArcGIS toolset

In May this year we introduced some improvements to the existing CityGML tools for I3S. For reference, please visit the related article.

To make it more convenient for our users, we added the approach to import the CityGML buildings into our GeoDatabase (GDB). It allows our users to edit the data for their project work and publish it later with additional information or changes.

When we talked about the update, we also mentioned that the FME toolbox would grow. This has now happened and with version 1.3 we can now add more feature modules from CityGML to our GDB.

What has happened since the last update in May with version 1.1?

Toobox 1-1

Toobox 1-2

Toobox 1-3 (latest version for download)

If you would like to get to know and try out the toolbox, here is the link to the current download of version 1.3, which contains all the latest tools.

What’s next?

The next modules we want to look at are terrain, bridges and tunnels and transportation, depending on the feedback we do get.

As many of you know, CityGML 3.0 has been on the market since this year, and we are currently investigating the usage of it as part of our 3D system of record approach.


Final Update from October 2022:

Final Toolbox:


About the author

As a product manager at Esri Inc, Andreas Lippold focuses on customer requirements in the area of Esri's 3D/AEC/Smart Cities products. He has extensive experience in product management and design thinking based customer support, especially in the AEC area. Over the last 12 years, he has worked in product management in AEC, 3D and AR/VR and has 15 years of experience in the geospatial industry. As a thought leader at Esri, Andreas helps shape the vision and direction of Esri's 3D/ Digital Twin initiatives, data models and solution development by interacting with customers and translating their requirements into useful technology.

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