ArcGIS Business Analyst

The ArcGIS Business Analyst Resources List for 2022 Esri UC

Hello and welcome to Esri UC 2022!

The ArcGIS Business Analyst product engineering team hopes you have a fruitful time at the conference and enjoy San Diego! See this blog article for information on the sessions our team is offering this year, and how to find and connect with us at the conference. We have created some resources for you, that we hope you find useful. Several of them act as references to our sessions and all are recommended as further reading. Please see the list below which includes blog articles, videos and Esri Community articles.

Too busy to read or watch this week? You wouldn’t be the only one, but do bookmark and visit again later! Thank you for using our products!

(1) Using Uber H3 Hexagons in ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro
Description: Learn about the Generate Grids and Hexagons geoprocessing tool, new in ArcGIS Pro 3.0, and how to use the output within Suitability Analysis to evaluate sites.
Resource:  ArcGIS Blog article
by Kyle Watson

(2)  Considerations for working with Threshold Areas in Business Analyst Pro vs. Business Analyst Web App
Description: Similarities and differences in using the Threshold Areas workflow in Business Analyst Pro and the Business Analyst Web App.
Resource:  ArcGIS Blog article
by Cheryl Hagevik

(3) Introducing ‘Connectable Datasets’ for Business Analyst in Pro 3.0
Description: In ArcGIS Pro 3.0, a new Connectable Dataset functionality was introduced, which allows you to point to a dataset on your local drive, secondary drive, or network drive instead of having to install the dataset. It also allows multiple licensed Business Analyst Pro users to connect to a centralized dataset location instead of all users having to install the data on their machines.
Resource:  Esri Community blog article
by Christopher Melera

(4) Solve territories using a genetic algorithm
Description: With the release of ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro 3.0, there is a new option called Genetic for solving a territory solution. It is based on a genetic algorithm that uses heuristics to solve your territories.
Resource:  ArcGIS Blog article
by  Daniel Lee

(5) Esri’s 2022 Updated Demographics for the U.S. are Available in GeoEnrichment
Description: The updated Esri 2022 US demographic data is now included with the GeoEnrichment service. For the first time ever, the previous year’s US data is being maintained side-by-side with the new US data, primarily to minimize interruption for users whose workflows depend on the Esri 2021 US demographics data. The target audience for this article are developers who are using the GeoEnrichment Service in custom apps and workflows, and are not yet ready to migrate to the 2022 data.
Resource:  ArcGIS Blog article
by Daniel Stauning

(6) Recreating a Simplified Version of the Business Analyst MXD in ArcGIS Pro
Description: As users migrate desktop workflows from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro, a key question being asked is “Can you open Business Analyst MXDs in ArcGIS Pro?”. In general, you can. But should you?  Read this article to find out.
Resource:  ArcGIS Blog article
by Darren Cook

(7)  Understanding score calculations in Suitability Analysis.
Description:  In ArcGIS Business Analyst, a real world scenario is used in Suitability Analysis to illustrate how the selected criteria influence, weights and values area used to calculate site suitability scores.
Resource:  ArcGIS Blog article
by Debashish Ghosh

(8) Creating custom variables in ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App
Description:  Insider tips for creating custom variables in ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App, with an accompanying video that shows you how to create custom indexes.
Resource:  ArcGIS Blog article
by Donna Buhr and Jeff Hincy

(9) How to create infographics with dynamic data update.
Description: How to create infographics with dynamic data update.
Resource:  Esri Community blog article
by Fasil Tiru

(10)  Article in blog series “Got 5 minutes?” 
Description: Brief introduction to the Market Potential dataset
Resource:  ArcGIS Blog article
by Gemma Goodale-Sussen and Stacy Schaetzl

(11)  Business Analyst 101: For users who want to get started with Business Analyst in ArcGIS Pro
Description: The essentials of getting started with Business Analyst in ArcGIS Pro. This article also addresses the questions and concerns of Business Analyst Desktop and Web App users looking to migrate to Business Analyst in ArcGIS Pro.
Resource:  ArcGIS Blog article
by Gemma Goodale-Sussen and Zemin Dhanani

(12) Intuitively Access Geoenrichment Data With Python
Description: Learn more about the most recent update to the ArcGIS API for Python.
Resource:  ArcGIS Blog article
by Joel McCune

Thanks again and and be on the lookout for more resources to come!

About the author

I am a Product Engineer and Writer at Esri, focused primarily on the Business Analyst applications for web, mobile and desktop.

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