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Everyone is a mobile worker: 2021 Field Notes year in review

By Josh Clifford and D'Maia Curry

The first season of Field Notes has officially come to a close. On our final episode of the season, we talk about our favorite moments from the past six episodes and reflect on all we’ve learned. We’ve had the opportunity to interview some fantastic guests on our first season, with one theme tying them all together: everyone is a mobile worker.

Thank you for listening

Thank you to everyone who has listened and subscribed to the Field Notes podcast. You come from over 60 countries—wow! We hope you’ve enjoyed listening to each episode as much as we’ve enjoyed recording them.

Field Notes Listeners (Episodes 1-6)

Take our survey

As we prepare for the next season, we’re looking for your feedback. Please fill out this short survey so we can create the content you want to hear on season two. Optionally, fill out the survey in a separate tab.

Catch up on season one

Have you listened to each episode in season one? If not, catch up on the ones you missed! You can stream and subscribe to the Field Notes podcast on the following platforms: Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle PodcastsAmazon Music/AudiblePlayerFMListen NotesPodbean, and the iHeart Radio App. You can also use the RSS feed to keep track of the latest episodes.

Additional resources

The following are additional resources mentioned on this episode of Field Notes:


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