ArcGIS Pro

Introducing Cloud Data Warehouse Support

With the release of ArcGIS Pro 2.9 and ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1, you can now establish database connections to the following cloud data warehouses to explore, visualize, and share data within your organization.

Cloud data warehouses are databases architected to handle large volumes of structured data that are accessible in public clouds as managed services. Cloud data warehouses are being used across a variety of departments and industries to make use of the following advantages:

Cloud Data Warehouse support in ArcGIS Pro

Now, GIS users can take advantage of all the benefits of a CDW with the ability to access and visualize the data on a map and perform analysis.

With this release, we’ve added database access support for BigQuery, Snowflake, and Redshift. This allows you to access these cloud data warehouses in ArcGIS to visualize and analyze your data using advanced rendering techniques.  You can explore data for spatial and non-spatial patterns through many tools.

Connect, explore, and visualize your CDW data

The Database Connection dialog now supports establishing connections to these cloud data warehouses. Create a database connection to view and explore the objects in a cloud data warehouse from the Catalog pane in ArcGIS Pro.

Create a Query Layer

You can perform analysis against CDW data using native DBMS SQL capabilities using query layers. The New Query Layer dialog has several enhancements that you’ll notice when working with cloud data warehouses.

Enable Feature Binning (BigQuery and Snowflake)

Feature binning is a method of feature reduction that can help visualize data trends while vastly improving the drawing performance of layers that contain thousands or millions of point features. You can aggregate features into bins using the Enable Feature Binning tool in ArcGIS Pro. After bin-enabled, you can visualize these features in the map view and interact with the bins by zooming in and out using different scales. You can also adjust the bin size and scale threshold. Since BigQuery and Snowflake use static feature binning it is important to ensure the bin cache is kept up to date as the underlying data changes.

Enabling feature binning on a cloud data warehouse point dataset.

Share data from cloud data warehouses to your organization

You can share data from your cloud data warehouse to your organization as a map image layer. Let’s review some of the important settings to be mindful of during the publishing process.

Data Source options

The first radio option allows you to pick whether the data will be accessed directly or by using a materialized view.

The second radio option will create a snapshot for the query. A cache of query layer results are copied to the relational datastore on the hosting server for the service to reference. If your ArcGIS Enterprise isn’t running in the same cloud environment as the cloud data warehouse, creating a snapshot can improve rendering performance. Snapshots are also recommended with continuously updated data is not needed. Snapshot can be refreshed on demand through the Enterprise portal.

Take it for a spin

This is the initial release introducing support for Cloud Data Warehouses, so be on the lookout as we continue to improve functionality and add more capabilities with upcoming releases. We look forward to all your feedback, suggestions, and questions. If you are using CDW within your organization, this is the perfect time to make the most out of it with ArcGIS Pro 2.9 and ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1.

About the authors

Product Engineer on the Geodatabase team - specializing in enterprise databases, versioning, and all things geodatabase. A true southerner // Chick-fil-A lover // Beach bum


Product Engineer on the Geodatabase team, passionate about making a difference in people's lives using GIS. Hiker and a true Éclair and Crêpe lover in her free time.

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