How to make a map: A short course in cartography from Learn ArcGIS

Update January 2023: The project described in this article has moved to a new home and been given a new name. How to make a map is now Introduction to Cartography. The article below has been updated to reflect these changes.

I’ve been working on a project that is at last ready to share. Introduction to Cartography is s a self-guided course. It’s a curated set of resourcesincluding tutorials, videos, and articlesthat can help you improve your maps and communicate more effectively with spatial data.

Introduction to Cartography header

You can complete the course with ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, or both. I hope you use both. In fact, some of the key tutorials (for example this one) are a great way to learn how to apply the same skills in the two different softwares.

Who is this course for?

Introduction to Cartography is for anyone who wants to learn how to make better maps with ArcGIS. If you are a student working on a map assignment, a GIS specialist who wants to expand their skills, or an educator looking for up-to-date lab materials, this course is for you.

If you’re new to GIS, start with the optional For Beginners chapter.

Why make this course?

All of the materials inside this site are also available elsewhere. But with so many great resources related to map-making, we felt a need to provide a more curated experience. This course is an answer to the question: Can you recommend some cartography tutorials?

What will I learn?

Introduction to Cartography chapters

You won’t learn everything about cartography here, but you will learn some useful skills and concepts. The course provides a mixture of hands-on activities with conceptual explanations in six chapters. Each chapter has a challenge activity to help you apply what you learned to your own mapping projects.

Can I start right now?

Yes. Visit or explore the embedded site below.

Introduction to Cartography

About the author

Heather is a cartographer and artist. She creates resources for the tutorial gallery.


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