ArcGIS Field Maps

Migrate to ArcGIS Field Maps

ArcGIS Field Maps allows mobile workers to collect data, mark up maps, and track their location—all from one app. Field Maps is available on Android and iOS, and it currently incorporates the capabilities of three mobile apps—ArcGIS Collector, ArcGIS Explorer, and ArcGIS Tracker. In future releases, it will also bring in functionality from ArcGIS Workforce and ArcGIS Navigator. As mentioned in Introducing ArcGIS Field Maps, Collector, Explorer, and Tracker will be moving toward retirement. There are no new capabilities planned for these apps—all future updates will be focused on Field Maps. With that in mind, it’s a great time to start thinking about how you and your organization can migrate your existing Collector, Explorer, and Tracker workflows over to Field Maps.

Field Maps was built with migration from Collector, Explorer, and Tracker in mind. Migrating to Field Maps is a straightforward process, and we’ve created a Migration Guide to assist you along the way.

Some things to consider when you’re creating your migration plan include:

Collector, Explorer, and Field Maps overflow menus



There are a variety of resources available that will be updated as the app is updated, including the following:

Later this year, a companion web app will be released for Field Maps. You can learn more about it and try it out by signing up to join the ArcGIS Field Maps Early Adopter Program.

If you have questions or comments about migrating to ArcGIS Field Maps, we’d like to hear from you—continue the conversation over on the Field Maps GeoNet Community page, and share your ideas for future development on ArcGIS Ideas.

About the author

I'm a technical writer on the Field Apps team at Esri. I arrived at technical writing by way of cartography, and I'm passionate about teaching through writing. I enjoy baking, reading space operas, and playing the tuba.

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