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Technology and IT trends are propelling companies and organizations to virtualize their physical desktops, making it easier for employees to…
A county in Georgia discovered a way to deal with a skyrocketing demand for infrastructure inspections even as its field staff was greatly reduc…
Weather mapping goes beyond what is broadcast on the evening news. Mapping and Modeling Weather and Climate with GIS describes how GIS technolog…
GIS helped a seventh grade class in Canada better understand both the benefits and drawbacks of the Northern Gateway Pipeline (NGP).
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is using GIS in both the planning and implementation stages of a project that will restore…
It is not easy to create simple, standardized legends of values for datasets that have nonlinear distributions. This exercise will show you an…
Over the last year, there have been a number of requests from developers for information regarding Xamarin technology in relation to the ArcGIS…
The recent 10.2.5 release of ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android is intended for use with Android Studio, the official integrated development environ…
When Johnson Kosgei was a teenager growing up in Kenya in the 1990s, a postal services company donated to his high school a decommissioned IBM m…
The term smart city has been gaining quite a bit of attention lately. Known by many names—livable community, sustainable city, resilient city, a…
The authors are associated with the King Fahd Center for Middle East Studies, an interdisciplinary program in the Fulbright College of Arts and…
An interdisciplinary research and graduate and undergraduate training center studying the recovery of the New Jersey Coast following Superstorm…