Search Results for: Equity

displaying 283 results

How to Develop a Strategic Equity Plan in Four Steps

Leverage GIS to support equity objectives, empower staff to take action, track program effectiveness, and communicate results.

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GIS—Visualizing Racial Equity

Esri’s new racial equity initiative aims to help users leverage location intelligence to address issues that revolve around race.

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Maps Show the Real Picture of Race and Equity in Oakland

With a rich history in civic activism, Oakland now uses a geographic lens to expose and address ongoing racial inequities.

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Tucson’s Innovative Approach to Achieving Equity through Data Visualization

Discover how the City of Tucson uses data visualization to achieve equity, address disparities, and guide resource allocation.

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Answer the Call to Action for Equity and Social Justice

The GIS profession is uniquely situated to help make racial equity and social justice a reality. Here are several ways to join the effort.

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Becoming an Antiracist City: Tacoma’s Data-Driven Transformation

The Tacoma Equity Index provides the data and details the city needs to assess and address inequalities.

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A Visionary CTO Leaves a Legacy of Collaboration, Equity in Tacoma, Washington

In Tacoma, Washington, the city’s chief technology officer led her team to create a GIS-powered equity map that helps guide city decisions.

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How Business Leaders Can Follow Through on Racial Equity Commitments

As businesses pledge to address racial injustice, location intelligence points execs toward racial equity goals in the company and the community.

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Social Equity Analysis Solution Supports Better Policy Decisions

The Social Equity Analysis solution delivers capabilities that help state and local governments understand and analyze community characteristics.

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Using Geography to Apply an Equity Lens to Projects and Policies

Leaders in King County, Washington, have emerged as innovators in the fight for equity and social justice (ESJ) in local government.

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Inside Look: Practicing Racial Equity in the Business World

More than a year after America’s top companies vowed to fight for racial justice, location intelligence is helping business leaders deliver.

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Geography Brings Equity and Social Justice into Focus in King County

The King County GIS Center helps all government departments with mapping needs and in examining equity.

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