
Esri Sponsors Civic Day of Hacking Events in Four US Cities

Redlands, California—As thousands of people come together for the National Day of Civic Hacking events, May 30 through June 1, Esri experts will offer support in Los Angeles, Austin, Denver, and New Orleans. Developers, non-profit organizations, and governments around the world use Esri’s ArcGIS Platform to create location-based apps that solve problems for public safety, transportation, economic development, health care, and more.

“The National Civic Day of Hacking brings together citizens, software developers, and entrepreneurs,” said John Yaist, a technology evangelist for Esri. “Together we will collaborate and create new solutions to improve our communities and the governments that serve them. For example, we could build an app to address issues such as food distribution needs or to simply report potholes so they get fixed faster.”

Esri has a long-standing reputation for supporting civic solutions—both through its ArcGIS technology and through its efforts to help build more resilient communities.

Anyone can get started with Esri technology for free and start building applications for web, mobile, and desktop. Esri offers cloud services, developer APIs, ready-to-use content, and self-hosted solutions. Discover more at

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