
Esri and NATO NCI Agency Sign Enterprise Agreement

Redlands, California—Esri, the global leader in spatial analytics, today announced that it entered into an enterprise agreement with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Communications and Information (NCI) Agency earlier this year.

The enterprise agreement for the NATO Core Geographic Information System (GIS) includes several addendums to cover the use of Esri software by NATO Functional Area Services (FAS) and NATO Nations that use NATO FAS and/or the NATO Core GIS, as well as the support of all these systems.

"The potential of this agreement can be expected to reach far beyond today’s use of the NATO Core Geographic Information System and will allow the NCI Agency to implement a true enterprise GIS platform for NATO in the future," said John Teurfert, Joint Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance Services, Geospatial Branch Head. "This new GIS platform will be able to provide much of today’s stove-piped spatial analytical functionality as centralized GIS web services. This bears the potential for additional significant cost savings in the command and control and functional area domains."

NATO has used Esri technology as part of its Core GIS for many years. With this new agreement in place, the Core GIS will be able to meet NATO’s geospatial vision to deliver and manage a common geospatial enterprise that supports all NATO missions with authoritative content and analysis, which will continue to enhance NATO’s tradition of ensuring that its 28 member nations are "operating off the same map."

"We look forward to supporting NATO in its vital mission of guaranteeing the freedom and security of its members through political and military means," said Jeff Peters, Esri head of global business development, national government. "Having location-based intelligence is vital to organizations that operate on a global scale and for whom geographic awareness is as crucial as it is to NATO."

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