
By Spatial Dimension

Solution details




Landfolio is a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) land management solution which enables customers around the globe to manage compliance and extract value from their land assets. As the only truly global land management system on the market today, Landfolio allows users to manage their often complex land obligations in a simple to use, browser environment, bringing efficiency, transparency and governance to your organization’s land team. One of the most powerful features of Landfolio is the ability to view and manage associated spatial data attributes side-by side with your business data, in a fully integrated environment. Landfolio leverages ESRI’s ArcGIS Server technology to provide users with a seamless user experience when viewing and editing license and land boundaries, agreements, projects and more. Spatial Validations, overlap detection, and recording survey details are just some of the advanced features available in Landfolio.


Land Records,Mining

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