World Wildlife Fund PADDDtracker

By Blue Raster LLC

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Conservation policy assumes that national parks and other protected areas are permanent fixtures on the landscape, but recent World Wildlife Fund (WWF) research demonstrates that these precious natural resources are at risk. To understand and address the changes happening to existing protected areas, WWF worked with Blue Raster to develop, an online portal that uses spatial mapping to track protected areas threatened by Protected Areas Downgrading, Downsizing and Degazettement, or PADDD. PADDD is the legal process of making protected areas weaker (downgrading) or smaller (downsizing) or eliminating them entirely (degazettement). will help scientists collect and analyze PADDD data, and share these findings with conservation organizations, government agencies, and concerned citizens everywhere. A user-friendly system integrating Drupal 7 and ArcGIS for Server 10.1, features interactive maps that allow users to browse current and historical PADDD data, as well as contribute new information on PADDD events in their regions.



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