Greenpeace Indonesia

By Blue Raster LLC

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Blue Raster partnered with Greenpeace and Global Forest Watch (GFW) to help protect one of the world’s most fragile ecosystems: forests. Their threat from fires and deforestation has been characterized by some as one of the worst environmental disasters in recent history. Fires across Indonesia have far-reaching effects on both air pollution and climate change while deforestation depletes the natural forests and changes landscapes for years to come. The Greenpeace Indonesia mapping application fuses the most helpful datasets together and makes them available to the public. Datasets include: detailed concession information including forest cover, fires instances provided by NASA’s Fire Information for Resources Management System (FIRMS), and selected animal habitats. Using the site, the public can easily generate reports on active Fires across Indonesia, powered by data from the NASA MODIS Fire Detection Satellites, updated in near real-time. They can also generate reports on GLAD Datasets, which contain 30-meter resolution Forest Loss, adding up to billions of pixels worldwide. All the Analysis is done on the fly and includes the most up to date data possible. Analysis is available nationally for Indonesia and for selected islands or provinces, and results pinpoint exactly where the highest numbers of fires or GLAD alerts exist. Hotspots are by districts, concessions, areas of peatland, and instances within tiger and orangutan habitats. These reports are powered by the latest technology, including the ArcGIS JavaScript API, Highcharts to animate the reports, React JS to build the library interface, and ES6.


Agriculture,Conservation,Environmental Management,Fish & Game,Forestry

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