Green Belt Movement Impact Maps

By Blue Raster LLC

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With the launch of their new website, the Green Belt Movement (GBM) is sharing the good news about forest restoration in Kenya using a new web mapping tool developed by Blue Raster. The GBM Impact Map is an interactive application that charts the progress of GBM’s tree planting initiative, which mobilizes Kenyan communities to start tree nurseries and plant seedlings on public lands and degraded forest areas. Since 1978, GBM has worked with communities to plant more than 47 million trees in Kenya to address environmental concerns regarding deforestation, soil erosion and lack of water. The GBM Impact Map application, built using ArcGIS Server API for JavaScript 2.8, enables anyone to view thousands of tree planting sites across Kenya including the number of trees planted and the planting date. The interactive map also displays geolocated facts about the community-based tree nurseries that grow the seedlings including photos from Flickr of nurseries/planting sites.


Environmental Management

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