A black background fades into a satellite image of a green coastal landscape

Image Analysis and AI

Transform imagery into intelligence with GeoAI and advanced image analysis.

Find the right solution
A satellite image of a river leading to a coastline with shades of green and yellow highlighting terrain data

Extract insights from imagery at scale

Turn earth observations into action

ArcGIS combines spatial analysis, image analysis, and artificial intelligence (AI) into one powerful system that handles massive datasets at local and global scales. Integrate imagery from street-level, drone, aircraft, and satellite sensors with spatial data in fundamental and advanced workflows—and generate fully informed insights that impact decisions.

Get from imagery to insight faster

Start analyzing large volumes of imagery right away with cloud deployment options, on-the-fly processing, and ready-to-use models and algorithms.

Run powerful analyses on all types of data

Combine imagery and remotely sensed data with other spatial information. Run analyses to reveal new patterns and illuminate a bigger picture.

Extend the reach and impact of your work

You ran your analysis—what's next? ArcGIS includes tools to turn your complex data into approachable apps and visual stories for decision-makers.

An aerial drone image of the village of Granadilla in Caceres, Spain

Combine imagery with other data in new ways

Layer imagery and other content in one scene to reveal patterns and risks. Analyze more types of data to better understand where action is needed.

Your complete system for image analysis

Your complete system for image analysis

Get support when you need it most

Analyze imagery and raster data in a maintained enterprise system compatible with desktop, web, and mobile. Work with the knowledge that your data, workflows, and analyses are available at any time—even if you need to revisit your results months or years in the future. And, for assistance, our professional tech support team is ready to help.

A satellite image shows plots of land along a river with square and circular fields highlighted in blue, orange, and yellow

What will image analysis in ArcGIS help you achieve?

Find answers in imagery faster with advanced image analysis at scale, including feature extraction using geospatial artificial intelligence (GeoAI), change detection, and time-series analysis. Perform analyses with data types like orthoimagery, motion imagery, lidar, and radar.

An aerial image of a residential neighborhood shows structures highlighted in red and trees in green

Speed up feature extraction using GeoAI

GeoAI applies spatial machine learning algorithms and deep learning techniques to large imagery collections. Leverage vast computing power to speed up tasks like finding impervious surfaces, identifying segments, and classifying imagery. Jump-start workflows with ready-to-use pretrained machine learning models.

Discover the value of GeoAI

Turn raster data into meaningful insights with image analysis

Raster data provides insights beyond a simple basemap or a backdrop. Quickly understand any real-world landscape and identify relationships between features by examining every pixel in small or massive datasets. Below are a few examples of insights you can gather.

A map of a coastal city shows red hot spots downtown, fading to orange, yellow, and green in nearby suburbs and rural areas

Find the most suitable place

Suitability analysis can help solve a variety of problems that require evaluation of multiple criteria. For example, determine where to site a new housing development, identify habitat areas, and discover where to prevent fires in the dry season.

Applying image analysis in your industry

Analyzing imagery provides unprecedented insight into global conditions today—as well as what those conditions looked like in the past and what they could look like tomorrow. Decision-makers in all industries can benefit from a better understanding of how our world is changing.

An aerial view of an abandoned quarry shows dry, dark brown water tracks through the light gray stone

Esri solutions for image analysis


Get help finding the right solution

Schedule a conversation with one of Esri’s experienced sales consultants. Discuss how you're using imagery and remote sensing data now and discover where a comprehensive geospatial system can take your work next.