ArcGIS Excalibur

ArcGIS Excalibur December 2020 Release is Here!

ArcGIS Excalibur, transforms the way analysts search, discover, and work with imagery—all in a web-based app. Excalibur modernizes and enhances image-based workflows by unifying traditionally separate geospatial and imagery-based views into a single integrated experience.   With an easy-to-use, web-based experience, Excalibur has the power to improve daily decision-making across different organizations.

The December 2020 release ArcGIS Excalibur enhances ways in which users access imagery and introduces new capabilities that improve management of observation collection workflows.

Access imagery or Web Map Tile Services

ArcGIS Excalibur continues to expand support to Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards.  With a single click, users can easily access Web Map Tile Services (WMTS), enabling analysts to work with a common type of raster content that offers high performance and increases scalability.   Accessing WMTS makes it easier for analysts to complete simple exploitation tasks.

Imagery in courtesy of USGS

Saved Searched Queries

To gain quick access to imagery, analysts can create and save user-defined search queries from their active imagery search.  This newly implemented single-click experience enhances the imagery search and discovery workflow.


Saved Search Query

Batch Editing Observations

Using the new Batch Edit Observation Tool, users can select and make changes to multiple observations – improve productivity by saving time during the quality review process.

Imagery in courtesy of Applanix Imagery

Stay in the Know

ArcGIS Excalibur continues to transform imagery workflows through constant improvements in response to customer input and expanding capability of ArcGIS. To learn more about Excalibur and add it to your organization’s ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, get in touch with an Esri representative at or visit our YouTube Playlist.

About the author

Jamon Johnson is a Product Manager on the GeoEnabled Systems Team with over 25 years in the GIS industry. He served in the Marine Corps as an Intelligence Officer and a GEOINT Analyst. Jamon now focuses on delivering GIS and spatial analytics to solve complex problems.

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