The Esri Developer Summit 2022 technical sessions are now available online at the Dev Summit 2022 Proceedings site.
Included are many sessions on using the ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET, which can help you get started and updated on the latest APIs and patterns.
Each of this year’s Pro SDK technical sessions are listed with descriptions below. First, here are the Pro SDK plenary videos from Dev Summit 2022, which included an extended presentation with exciting discussion and demonstrations.
ArcGIS Pro SDK Plenary Session
There are 4 plenary videos listed below, they include a review of ArcGIS Pro for Developers led by Jim McKinney, CTO Desktop Development, and an extended presentation on the ArcGIS Pro SDK led by Charlie Macleod, ArcGIS Pro SDK Lead, with demonstrations by the SDK Team.
Charlie Macleod, ArcGIS Pro SDK Lead, presenting in the Day 3 Plenary

ArcGIS Pro for Developers: Extending and Automating the ArcGIS System
Jim McKinney, CTO, Desktop Development, welcomes everyone to Day 3 of the Plenary and provides an overview of the extensive development capabilities available with ArcGIS Pro.
Jim then introduces Charlie Macleod, ArcGIS Pro SDK Lead, who provides an overview of the ArcGIS Pro SDK patterns and capability highlights. Charlie then introduces members of the ArcGIS Pro Dev team who provide demonstrations of exciting applications of the Pro SDK development patterns.
ArcGIS Pro Patterns and UI Customization
Narelle Chedzey, Software Developer on the ArcGIS Pro SDK team, introduces two ArcGIS Pro extensibility patterns, the ArcGIS Pro Module Add-in and the ArcGIS Pro Managed Configuration.
Jeff Barrette, Product Engineer on the Layout and teams, demonstrates the new Layout Tool in ArcGIS Pro, which allows users to rapidly add graphic elements to either map or layouts depending on the context.
ArcGIS Utility Network with ArcGIS Pro
Wolfgang Kaiser, Product Engineer on the ArcGIS Pro SDK team, demonstrates an ArcGIS Pro add-in that implements a planned maintenance power outage scenario using the Utility Network API.
Technical Sessions
The Dev Summit tech sessions are a great way to get introduced to and updated on the latest Pro SDK information and development patterns. Below is a listing of each of sessions.
The slides are available for download and you can play the videos after you sign in with your ArcGIS public account.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Approaches for Pro Extensibility
This beginner-level session will cover fundamental approaches for extending Pro, covering select SDK and Pro API topic areas. We’ll discuss practical considerations for your add-ins and online resources for your work.
Learn how to use the geometry and editing API to create add-ins for COGO (Coordinate geometry). We present the data schema and attributes that support editing COGO-enabled lines, including ground to grid corrections, circular arcs, spiral curves, direction formats, and distance unit conversions.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Improving Your Dockpane and ProWindow Design Patterns
Learn how to improve Dockpane and ProWindow designs to support asynchronous workflows by deploying progress feedback and more advanced user controls. This session also touches on localization and accessibility.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Layout
This session provides an overview of the Layout API. It will include layout and element creation, modification of existing elements, and events.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Parcel Fabric API
This session presents the information model, concepts and editing patterns for the parcel fabric. We cover the parcel layer, its extension methods, and parcel edit operations. New at 2.9, we also cover API access to the parcel fabric controller dataset.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Understanding the Sketch Tool
This session explores the Sketch Tool API. We’ll start by examining the properties of a basic sketch tool. Then we’ll discuss recent API additions for building a richer tool experience including customizing the sketch symbol, vertex and segment symbology, configuring snap settings and retrieving snap results, toggling between sketch and selection modes, and embedding UI.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Using Graphic Elements with Maps and Layouts
Learn how to programmatically overlay graphics on maps and layouts. The session includes working with advanced graphic elements and the new Layout Tool.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: What’s New in the Geodatabase and Utility Network APIs
Already know the basics about the geodatabase and utility network APIs in the ArcGIS Pro SDK? This session describes all the new functionality that has been made available over the past year, including named trace configurations, association traversal, geodatabase DDL, and support for mobile and in-memory geodatabases.
Dev Summit Pro SDK Resources on GitHub
In addition to the videos, you can also find code samples and slides from many Pro SDK sessions at Dev Summit 2022 and past Dev Summits available here on GitHub.
What’s Coming at ArcGIS Pro 3.0
The 3.0 General Availability release is scheduled for June, and there have been several updates regarding ArcGIS Pro 3.0 and the Pro SDK since our earlier updates in the SDK documentation and post from January:
- Get Ready for ArcGIS Pro 3.0
- Migration from ArcGIS Pro 2.x to 3.0
- Deprecation: ArcGIS Pro SDK .NET Framework 4.8 and Visual Studio 2017/2019 Support
As mentioned in the updates above, there will be new documentation and tools coming with 3.0 to help users migrate 2.x add-ins to 3.0. Details will be provided in next month’s 3.0 release documentation and in the What’s New at 3.0 post.
In the meantime, we invite you to collaborate with other developers in the Esri Community Pro SDK Group. The group allows you to ask technical questions, search for answers on existing threads, and collaborate on answers and discussions.
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