Michael Dangermond

Michael Dangermond has over 25 years experience in GIS in such diverse fields as cartography, agriculture, international boundary delineation, environmental protection, regional planning, park planning, land and wildlife conservation, and forestry. He has been working for ESRI since 2010.

Posts by this author
The world’s most populated and greenest megacities (and how we found out)

Use the two new land cover layers in Living Atlas to find out the amount of tree coverage in the world's mega cities.

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Sensory Overload: Where are America’s noisiest and brightest cities?

Are nighttime lights and noise a sensory overload where you live? Find out with the new USA Transportation Noise layer in the Living Atlas.

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USA NLCD Land Cover: Newly Revised and Updated

The layer USA NLCD Land Cover has been completely revised by MRLC and updated in the Living Atlas of the World.

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How To Produce a Thematic Image Layer with ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online

How To Produce a Thematic Image Layer with ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online

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Analyzing Soil Capability for Agriculture in the Living Atlas of the World

Learn how to use the USDA Soil Capability layers in the Living Atlas to analyze suitability for agricultural activities in the United States.

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Our Four Favorite Ways to Map American Agriculture

Get inspired and learn how to utilize US agricultural content from Living Atlas within your own maps.

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Making Critical Habitat Rasters With the Living Atlas of the World

A guide on how to create your own rasters from the Critical Habitat Layer in the Living Atlas of the World.

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Using Arcade to Extract Meaning from Satellite Fire Detections

Explore different ways of symbolizing wildfire detections using Arcade and NASA's VIIRS layer available in Living Atlas.

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Is Georgia still the Peach State? Getting crop statistics for the USA using ArcGIS Living Atlas.

Use a polygon with the USA Cropland image layer from the ArcGIS Living Atlas and create a table of the acres of peaches grown in Georgia in 2019.

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