Matt Payne

Product Engineer with Instant Apps. Competitive distance runner, lover of weather, mountains, and hoops.

Posts by this author
What's New in Configurable Apps (June 2017)

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What's New in Configurable Apps (March 2017)

The March 2017 release for ArcGIS Online is a significant release providing updates and new functionality in many areas.  For configurab...

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What's New in Configurable Apps (December 2016)

The final release of ArcGIS Online for 2016 features tons of new functionality and updates.  Specifically in configurable apps, we have ...

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What's New in Configurable Apps (September 2016)

The September update to ArcGIS Online is predominantly focused on fixing current issues with the product, but also introduces some new f...

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What's New in Configurable Apps (June 2016)

With the June update to ArcGIS Online, there are some big updates such as the enhanced interface and experience with item pages, new smar...

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Setting Up a Searchable Feature Layer in Configurable Apps

There are a wide variety of configurable apps offered in the ArcGIS Online gallery that provide many types of functionality for interacti...

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What's New in Configurable Apps (March 2016)

With the March update to ArcGIS Online, we have enhanced existing features and introduced various new ones.  The same applies to our con...

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What's New in Configurable Apps (November 2015)

With the November update to ArcGIS Online we have added new functionally and included numerous enhancements.  Here are the main highligh...

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