Matt Payne

Product Engineer with Instant Apps. Competitive distance runner, lover of weather, mountains, and hoops.

Posts by this author
What’s New in Instant Apps (December 2021)

Highlights of what's new with Instant Apps in the December 2021 update.

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What’s New in Instant Apps (September 2021)

Highlights of what's new with Instant Apps in the September 2021 update.

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What’s New in Instant Apps (June 2021)

Highlights of what's new with Instant Apps in the June 2021 update.

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What’s New in Configurable Apps (April 2021)

Highlights of what's new with Configurable Apps in the April 2021 update.

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What’s New in Configurable Apps (December 2020)

Highlights of what's new with Configurable Apps in the December 2020 update.

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What’s New in Configurable Apps (September 2020)

Highlights of what's new with Configurable Apps in the September 2020 update.

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What’s New in Configurable Apps (June 2020): Introducing the New App Configuration

Highlights of what's new with configurable apps in the June 2020 update.

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What’s New in Instant Apps (March 2020): Introducing Minimalist Beta

Highlights of the next generation Minimalist (beta) configurable app and an introduction to the updated app configuration panel.

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What’s New in Configurable Apps (October 2019)

Highlights of what's new with configurable apps in the October 2019 update.

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