Katie Thompson

As a product marketer for ArcGIS Urban, Katie enjoys sharing product announcements and best practices with the Esri community.

Posts by this author
Translating ArcGIS Hub sites and pages

How to create multilingual sites and pages using ArcGIS Hub.

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Formatting text on your ArcGIS Hub and ArcGIS Enterprise Sites

Learn how to change the text color and font on your sites and pages, as well as how to add custom code.

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Create a gallery of content using ArcGIS Hub

Make your content shine by adding a gallery to a site or page.

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How to Launch a Coronavirus Response Website Today

The Coronavirus Response template is available to anyone looking to create a custom website for sharing local updates with their community.

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What’s new for ArcGIS Enterprise Sites at 10.8

The newest release of ArcGIS Enterprise introduces new ways to create and design custom websites for your organization.

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A quick start guide to ArcGIS Hub Premium

ArcGIS Hub now makes it easier to keep everyone in the know.

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How to add content with ArcGIS Hub

We're kicking off the new year with simple ways to upload and create content for sharing across teams and with your community.

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Introducing surveys in ArcGIS Hub

Getting feedback on projects, plans, and events is now easier with enhanced Survey123 integration.

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Introducing Supporting Teams: Privately Engage Your Community

Explore how ArcGIS Hub's new supporting teams feature helps you privately collaborate with your community.

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