Chris LeSueur

Chris LeSueur is a Product Manager with the Apps Team in Redlands, California.

Posts by this author
Announcing ArcGIS Maps SDK 1.3 for Unity

ArcGIS Maps SDK 1.3 for Unity adds support for virtual tabletop experiences plus modifying and filtering terrain and 3D scene layers.

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ArcGIS AppStudio Retirement Roadmap and Beyond

The purpose of this blog post is to announce the retirement roadmap of ArcGIS AppStudio and the long-term support (LTS) release of AppStudio 5.5

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What’s new in ArcGIS AppStudio Version 5.4 (June 2022)

ArcGIS AppStudio Ver. 5.2 includes a new Sidebar template, data editing tools, template updates, new samples, and more...

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What’s new in ArcGIS AppStudio Version 5.3 (March 2022)

ArcGIS AppStudio Ver. 5.3 includes an new interactive zone draw tool, offline support in the Attachment Viewer template, new samples, and more...

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What’s New in ArcGIS AppStudio 5.2 (November 2021)

AppStudio 5.2 introduces many improvements for AppStudio users including offline maps and elevation profiles in the Nearby app template.

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What’s new in ArcGIS AppStudio Version 5.1 (July 2021)

AppStudio 5.1 introduces new Nearby and Zone Lookup app template, a spatial query tool in Map Viewer, and support of ArcGIS Runtime 100.11.

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What’s new in ArcGIS AppStudio Version 5.0 (April 2021)

AppStudio 5.0 includes an updated Map Viewer template, 3D Scene Viewer template, and core developer components.

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Introducing the Attachment Viewer Native App Template for ArcGIS AppStudio

Introducing the Attachment Viewer Native App Template for ArcGIS AppStudio

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New Editing Capability in the ArcGIS AppStudio Map Viewer Template for Attributes and Attachments

Learn how to enable the new editing capability in ArcGIS AppStudio Map Viewer template.

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