3D Visualization & Analytics

Scene Viewer Tip: Create a local scene with scene layers

Throughout 2016, we will be presenting a series of ArcGIS Scene Viewer tips and tricks. We hope these posts will help you work more efficiently, produce better 3D visualizations, and really harness the power of your 2D and 3D data with the scene viewer. In the previous post, we offered some tips about the basemap gallery and your scene title and icon. This post focuses on local scenes with scene layers.

Local scene

With a local scene in the scene viewer, you can project local data on a planar surface in a different spatial reference than Web Mercator. It is best to use local scenes when you already have data in a local spatial reference or your project requires that all your data be in a specific local spatial reference.

It is now possible to create a local scene with scene layers in the scene viewer. With the release of the Portal for ArcGIS 10.4 and ArcGIS Pro 1.2, scene layers can be published from Pro to Portal and added to a local scene. This means that if you have a multipatch dataset in a local spatial reference of downtown buildings in your city, for example, you can now add them to a scene in the scene viewer and share with your organization or the public.

Layers and basemap

When working with local scenes in the scene viewer consider the following:

In local scenes, basemaps with a local spatial reference don’t include elevation as they do in global scenes.  Therefore, you need to add an elevation layer to be able to show terrain with elevation (see publish and elevation image service for more information).  The basemap and elevation layer must be in the same spatial reference and have the same tiling scheme which satisfies the scene viewer tiling scheme requirements.  You can configure the basemap gallery and add this custom basemap to the scene viewer which matches the elevation layer.

Publish a scene layer

Once you have the base layers in the same spatial reference, you can create your building scene layer.  Use ArcGIS Pro 1.2 and Portal for ArcGIS 10.4, to publish your buildings as a scene layer with the same spatial reference as the basemap and elevation.  Here’s how:

Create a local scene with your buildings

Now that you have all your layers in the same spatial reference you can create a local scene in the scene viewer to show your buildings with elevation.

You have created a dynamic 3D local scene of your buildings that you can share with your organization and the public.

Stay tuned here for more exciting scene viewer tips and tricks to come! Also, take a look at scene help in ArcGIS Online to learn even more about scenes.

About the author

Matt is a product engineer living in Zurich, Switzerland. He joined Esri R&D Center Zurich in 2014 and has a passion for 3D! He currently works with the CityEngine and Scene Viewer teams.

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