In the upcoming November release, we have lots of content updates scheduled! Follow the links below to read more:
Or jump ahead to see how these updates will affect you:
Canadian data from Environics Analytics will be updated to 2015:
The 2015 DemoStats data includes expanded demographic attributes and all-new themes such as Condominium Status, Recent Immigrants by Country of Birth and Generation Status. In addition to additional themes, the 2015 DemoStats attribute names have changed significantly from the 2014 DemoStats database. DemoStats 2015 – Variable Change List.pdf
The 2015 HouseholdSpend attribute names have changed significantly from the 2014 HouseholdSpend product. HouseholdSpend 2015 – Variable Change List.pdf
The 2015 DaytimePop attribute names have changed significantly from the 2014 Daytime Population database. DaytimePop 2015 – Variable Change List.pdf
Previously released as PRIZMC2, the 2015 segmentation database provided by Environics Analytics is now PRIZM5. This release represents a re-clustering of segments. There are now 69 segments, up two from PRIZMC2 in 2014 and the attribute names are not consistent across the two segmentation systems. As a result, Esri recommends that all analysis with PRIZM segmentation data be updated. PRIZM5 2015 – Variable Change List.pdf
Esri recommends you consult the documentation for all attribute changes in the Documentation Release Notes and take care to update any workflows that access this data.
45 countries will be updated with the most current data from Michael Bauer Research:
Standard Global Demographic data is sourced from Michael Bauer Research and available across the ArcGIS platform. Attributes vary from country to country, and include categories such as population, households, education, consumer spending and more. The datasets can be accessed in ArcGIS Online, Business Analyst, and apps such as Esri Maps for Office.
In addition to a vintage update, some countries have new attributes, attributes that are no longer available, and changes to geography names which are now standardized in English. View the Release Notes for each country on the Esri Demographics documentation pages for more details. Follow this link to the release notes for Indonesia as an example.
For easy access to web maps by country, visit our Esri Demographics Global Coverage map. Click a country and follow the links in the popup to access the web maps and data attributes available for enrichment.
U.S. 2015 Retail MarketPlace data will be updated with a new business data source, Infogroup:
The 2015 USA Retail MarketPlace data will be updated due to a change in the underlying business data. Esri products now feature Infogroup business data. This data update does not impact the functionality of existing services or maps as there are no changes to feature IDs or attribute names. However, there are changes to attribute values due to the update. This update precludes comparison of 2015 Retail MarketPlace (with D&B as the business source) and 2015 Retail MarketPlace (with Infogroup as the business source). Esri recommends that users of this data, in both maps and reports, redo any analysis involving this data after the update.
How will these updates affect me?
For the Ready-to-Use Maps User within ArcGIS Online
Over 170 international demographic layers and maps, and a dozen United States layers and maps, will be updated.
The Retail MarketPlace update changes the content. No other changes to functionality, features, or attributes were made.
International demographic layers and maps now include geography levels presented in English, and no generalized layers in the content pane of ArcGIS Online. The left side of the picture below shows the older contents pane, and the right side shows the updated version available in this release.
For the Business Analyst User
Business Analyst users will access the updated Canadian, U.S., and International data through reports and maps. The complete attribute list for each country is accessible through the Data Browser contained in the application. Esri recommends that users of the 2015 Retail MarketPlace data, in both maps and reports, redo any analysis involving this data after the update to take advantage of the new source.
For the Data Enrichment user in ArcGIS Online or Esri Maps for Office
The November 2015 update provides access to the Canadian, U.S., and International datasets shown above. Esri recommends that users of the 2015 Retail MarketPlace data, in both maps and reports, redo any analysis involving this data after the update to take advantage of the new source.
For a detailed explanation of new or deleted attributes in international datasets, see the Release Notes for each individual country available on the Esri Demographics documentation pages.
For the Developer using REST endpoints for Standard Global Demographic Services
No changes to the Retail MarketPlace REST endpoint were made to functionality, features, or attributes however the data has changed.
The REST endpoints for Standard Global Demographic datasets being updated in November 2015 will change. Over-generalized boundary layers will be removed and geography names will be standardized to English. These changes will impact any application calling the services. Some of the changes to the REST endpoints included in this release are:
- Changes in layer IDs
- Changes to geography names (standardized to English)
- Changes to attributes: attribute additions, and attribute deletions
To view the new REST endpoints, you will need to access the REST API with a developer or organizational account, using a token request.
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