ArcGIS Hub

Adding content to your Sites and Initiatives just got easier

Content management is a big part of building your Hub. Making sure your datasets, documents, maps, and apps show up to your community the way you want them to takes work. Some might even say too much work. Ever since Hub’s early days as ArcGIS Open Data, the relatively simple task of adding content to your initiative required that you create a group, add your content, share your content to the group, and add the group to your site, all before you got to the fun part of actually building your site. All in all, adding content to Hub has always required at least three steps too many, which is why we’re happy to announce all that’s changing. Starting today, you’ll begin to see more features focused specifically on content management, with the larger aim of reducing the amount of work it takes to create quality content on your initiatives and sites.

screenshot of add existing content button in the Hub content library
A lot is changing with one little button

Add Existing Content

Earlier in the fall, we announced the Content Library as the new place to manage all of your Hub content. With this week’s release you can now add existing content within your ArcGIS Online organization directly to your Initiatives and Sites. Here’s how to try it out:

1. Access your Initiative/Site Content Library

First, make sure you’re logged in and on the Hub Overview. From there, open your initiative and from your initiative dropdown click Content Library.

Screenshot of the Content Library link from the initiative dropdown
Accessing your Initiative's Content Library

2. Click Add Existing Content image of the add existing content in the hub interface

Once you’re in the Content Library, click Add Existing Content , which will open an item picker for all content in your ArcGIS Online organization.

3. Select and add your content

From the Add Existing Content item picker you can select as much content as you’d like, using the search box and content filters to help you find what you’re looking for. Once you’re happy with your selections, hit Add and we’ll take it from there.

Animation of the full add existing content workflow
Adding content to your Hub now only takes a matter of seconds

4. Share with your community

Once your content is in your Content Library you can set sharing to make sure it’s accessible to your defined community. We’re adding sharing controls in the coming weeks, but for now click the Edit Pencil on your content’s page to set your item’s sharing in ArcGIS Online.

What’s next

We’re very excited for you to try out this new way to add content to your Initiatives and Sites, but much more is on the way. In addition to adding sharing controls and the ability to remove content, here’s a quick taste of what’s coming:
It’s been a big year in Hub-land and we hope you’re as excited as we are for everything that 2020 brings. As always don’t hesitate to post questions and feedback in the Hub Community on Geonet. Happy Hubbing!

About the author

Patrick helps out with the mapping and visualization features of ArcGIS Hub and is passionate about supporting organizations in their data-driven engagement efforts. He's also partial to craft coffee and aussie pups.


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