ArcGIS Business Analyst

What's New in Business Analyst (March 2019)

The March 2019 update to the ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App has arrived! Here are the key highlights of this release:

Better, Professional Infographics at Your Fingertips

We’ve added seven brand-new visually stunning starter infographic templates to the Business Analyst Web App to help you summarize your data and analysis. All of the available infographic templates are easily customizable to reflect your company’s logo, branding, and variables of interest. Whether you are trying to gain an understanding of the employment opportunities or health statistics for an area, the infographics in the Business Analyst Web App have you covered.

The following are the infographic templates that have been added with this release.

You can read more about Business Analyst infographic templates and how to build your own here.

Example of the new Employment Overview infographic with different variables including average income.
The new Employment Overview infographic template included in the March 2019 release of ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App.
Image with three thumbnails of new infographic templates available in the March 2019 release of ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App.
Three of the seven new infographic templates available in the March 2019 release of ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App - Office Market Profile, Health Care and Insurance Statistics, and Commute Profile.

Get More Out of Comparison Reports

Interactively compare sites easier than ever using informative benchmark tables, beautiful charts, and more in the new Comparison Reports workflow.

The old Comparison Reports workflow has been removed with this release, but there’s no need to worry! Its replacement, the new Comparison Reports workflow, is already available in the application. The new workflow gives you all the old Comparison Report features and so much more.

You can read more about how to migrate to new Comparison Reports here.

Bar chart with green and white vertical bars showing the new Comparison Reports.
Mouse over any of the bars and lines to view a popup with the variable name, value and variance from the defined benchmark site with the new Comparison Reports in ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App.

Access Crime Data for Reporting

Use a new Esri Crime Summary report that helps you understand crime statistics for seven major categories of personal and property crime. You can now use the crime data in custom reports, infographics, and comparison reports to classify crimes by local demographics and type of incident.

An infographic and custom report with crime data as a highlighted variable.
Access crime data in your custom reports and infographics.

Add Nearby Location Counts and Summaries

ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App users can now summarize attribute values in Nearby tables. When running infographics with a Nearby table, click the gear icon, choose the attributes that you want to summarize, and see the results added at the bottom of the table. Optionally, you will be able to choose to display the Nearby table as a summary count in its own panel.

Example of nearby attributes for coffee shops in custom infographics in Business Analyst.
Display nearby attributes in your infographics using ArcGIS Business Analyst.

Modern Symbology for Your Mapping Needs

Hundreds of new map markers are now available to symbolize locations the way you want. Start with vector graphics and color them to present locations with the best visualization. In the example below, we represented coffee shops with coffee cups as the symbology.

An example map using a black and gray basemap with green coffee cups used as the symbology for coffee shops across the U.S.
In this Business and Facilities Search, we've symbolized coffee shops across the United States with a coffee cup, one of many new symbols in ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App.

Combine Dot Density Visualization with Color-Coded Maps

Business Analyst Web App users now have a new option to display dot density maps with a color-coded background. You can view one variable represented in the dot density style in the foreground and a second variable with a color ramp background map. In the example below, we chose to show the total population using dot density mapping shaded by a color-coded background map of median household income.

Color coded map of the U.S. with dot density overlaid.
Users can now visualize dot density maps over their color-coded maps in ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App.

Use Top Consumer Segments for Canada

Determine the top three consumer segments for any area in Canada using PRIZM5 segmentation data. Simply add the PRIZM5 segments panel in your infographics and run it for any area.

A custom infographic defining top consumer segments for an area in Canada using PRIZM5 data.
Determine top consumer segments for any area in Canada using PRIZM5 data in ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App.

Use Web Layers Directly in Reporting Workflows

Business Analyst Web App users can now bring in location layers from ArcGIS and run reports, infographics, and more without having to convert them into sites. With the new Setup layer option, you can use services already published in ArcGIS in Suitability Analysis, Infographics and reports without the need to duplicate locations. The Setup layer feature also allows pre-filtering by attribute and by map extent.

A black and gray basemap with a web layer from ArcGIS Online referenced in yellow.
Use your web layers from ArcGIS directly in your workflows in the Business Analyst Web App.

Data Update

With this release of ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App, we have very exciting updates to our data that is now available for users:

ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App now has new advanced data for the Netherlands sourced from 4Orange. Working with Esri Netherlands, we are releasing a new, advanced dataset summarizing socioeconomic, life stage, and personal interest data for Dutch consumers. This data, available at the five-digit postal code level, will provide additional attributes covering:

U.S. data updates for businesses locations and DMM major shopping centers to January 2019, Kalibrate traffic data to Q4 2018, and Crime data to November 2018.

Michael-Bauer Research data update to 2018 vintage for 18 countries including New Zealand, Panama, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, Qatar, Oman, and more.

Stock image showing an area of individuals in black and gray with a targeted area in color.
Exciting updates to the data in ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App is now available for users!

We’re so happy to share this Q1 2019 release of ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App with you. Below you can find some links for Business Analyst that you may find useful.


About the authors

Jordan Cullen is the group lead for the ArcGIS Apps Product Marketing team at Esri and the Senior Product Marketing Manager for ArcGIS Business Analyst. Alongside an extensive background in software marketing and multichannel communications, Jordan has a passion for analyzing consumer behavior and market trends, creating strategic content and captivating concepts, and helping the best customers in the world along their unique product journeys.


Product builder and business strategist with 12+ years of experience in product definition, UX design, execution, and marketing.


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