
Why Attend Developer Conferences

If you want to know what the benefits of attending developer conferences like CommitConf and why you should consider submitting a proposal for a talk or workshop, keep reading! 😄.

Recently, I was fortunate enough to attend CommitConf. It is one of the largest events for developers that is held annually in Spain. It is well attended and draws strong participation from around 50 Spanish technical communities.

Photo of the venue's lobby during event registration

Why attend conferences like CommitConf?

At the conference, developers were brought together to retrain, discover, and share new insight and knowledge about our profession. For example, attendees shared information about:

Additionally, the conference provided a place to meet new people and reconnect with those already known. At events like this, it’s not uncommon to run into people you know! In my case, I bumped into some of my former colleagues, including fellow ArcGIS developers.

Selfies taken by Raul with other developers during the event.

What made this conference special?

This event, like many others, gives us, developers, the opportunity to present talks, workshops, and even Open Spaces.

For attendees, a unique factor that sets this event apart from others is the system used to create the event‘s agenda, allowing the communities themselves to be involved in the selection process of talks. This system is called Koliseo and is free for anyone to use.

Why submit a proposal?

Going to an event like CommitConf is an opportunity to learn from and contribute to the developer community. And, there are many different motivations for a person to attend a conference.

There are people who simply enjoy sharing knowledge and experiences. Other attendees want to increase the visibility of their company and to raise awareness of the cool work they do, with the hope of attracting new talent. Some attendees want to create a personal brand, while others want to discuss and find solutions to a problem with their colleagues.

And if you are lucky enough to have a proposal accepted, as in my case, you can attend the speakers’ dinner the day before the event, where you meet a lot of experts on different topics 😍. 

What did Esri bring to the conference?

Esri has always encouraged me to attend and to send proposals for a conference that I thought might be relevant to other developers.

This time I presented a variety of proposals:

I was lucky that the conference organizers accepted “OAuth, OpenID Connect, and JWT for Dummies” because it gave me the opportunity to share what these auth standards are and how they work. I showed practical examples based on some of the resources that Esri’s Developer Experience team created, like the Authentication workspace in Postman.

Photo of Raul's talk during his talk on oAuth showing Raul speaking and the audience of about 100 people.

In case you want, you can check the slides out here. If you are interested in the topic and want us to repeat this talk online, just let us know in the comments!

What did I learn at the conference?

Below are some of the takeaways from the sessions that I attended:

Note: After the session, I decided to create a guide with what we learned and our own experience. If you are interested, save the article in favourites because we will add it [here] in a few weeks.

Photo of the Open Space on communities showing about thirty attendees seated in a circle.
Composition of photographs of different sessions attended by Raul.

In summary, I hope my experience inspires you to attend future developer conferences like this one, including the Esri Developer Summit in Palm Springs or in Berlin 😉. Although much of the content is available online after an event, there are a number of things that can only be achieved by attending.

About the author

Developer on the Developer Experience (DX) team, looking for ways to improve the DX through better educational resources, developer tools, and community support among other things.

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