ArcGIS Hub

What’s new in ArcGIS Hub part 2, 2023

Here’s a second summary of the latest advances for ArcGIS Hub for the latter half of 2022, up to about now. Some of these updates to the application are so brand new, you may not even know about them yet. Read below for another snappy edition of what’s new in ArcGIS Hub.

Highlight your events

event attend button, whats new in arcgis hub

Enhance teamwork

And discussions is geographically aware. For map-based content items, users can connect a post or reply to an existing feature, or to a feature they draw on the map. With geography as a frame of reference, you can can drive efficiency and clarity in map-based discussions.

Users with appropriate permissions can determine if discussions are allowed by item and group. Site managers can turn off (or on) the discussions capability for their sites. To learn know more about discussions, including email notifications, read the Have you heard about Hub discussions? blog article.  


discussions about park, whats new in arcgis hub

This layout card is a great way for members of supporting teams to find each other and work together. Site and page editors can use the Teams card to showcase the efforts and achievements of their team members.

Simply drag and drop the card to your site layout. Then add any Hub Team or ArcGIS Online group you would like to display. The Teams card is available to organizations with an ArcGIS Hub Premium license. Find details in the Working together is easier now in ArcGIS Hub blog article. 

Illuminate content

select item license, whats new in arcgis hub
set location, whats new in arcgis hub
filter and buffer data, whats new in arcgis hub

Hone your strategies for content access


explore feeds, whats new in arcgis hub

That’s all for now

The Hub team releases updates on a weekly basis so there are always fresh fixes, bugs that are addressed, and exciting new additions to the software. Did you miss what’s new in ArcGIS Hub part 1? Scan our changelog for a concise and organized listing of these frequent updates. Dig into the Hub web help for more in-depth information and workflows.

Check out this upcoming webinar on Maximizing Volunteer Impact with ArcGIS Hub. As always, we welcome your questions and comments on the ArcGIS Hub Community page.  

Images (non-screenshots) are from Unsplash (Card by Peter Lawrence) and Pexels (Banner by Pixabay)

About the author

Rhonda is a Senior Product Engineering Writer on the ArcGIS Hub Team, focused on user education and connecting people, places, and data. She has 20+ years of GIS experience, mainly in a University setting. When she’s not writing or tinkering in Hub, she’s reading, cooking, growing food and flowers, or spending time with family.

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