ArcGIS Blog


ArcGIS Pro

Experiments with line symbology III - Intensity

By Kenneth Field

Part I of this four-part blog identified some fundamental ways of symbolising linear features to show thematic characteristics. Part II extended those techniques to show multivariate information. In this third installment I focus on symbology that shows the intensity of coincident lines beyond simply stacking them on top of one another.

In the following video, I show how different heat maps can be used to accentuate the original pattern of lines, and to reveal different characteristics of the data showing the routes we took walking our dog, Wisley, during a year working from home. And to this point in the three episodes lines show no directionality, so I’ll also illustrate how you can change the symbology of lines to give an indication of their direction of movement.

In the three blog posts so far we’ve covered a number of useful ways to symbolise lines to reveal different characteristics of the data but all the examples have been static. In the final blog post I’ll use animation to creating a moving map of Wisley’s walks.

Until then, happy mapping!

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