
What’s new in ArcGIS Blog

The Esri development team is thrilled to announce that we have a new ArcGIS Blog website. It’s part of our overall initiative to improve your experience with ArcGIS. Although the site is new, the goal of the blog remains the same: give you deeper insight into how ArcGIS helps you get your work done.

Enhanced user experience

The new site has an enhanced design and a better experience for browsing and searching.

ArcGIS Blog article

One of the first things you’ll notice is the new look. Articles include banners, bylines, and sticky social buttons that stay with you as you scroll. The articles can include embedded web apps including Story Maps. The site is responsive to different sized-screens and has similar branding to other Esri websites.

ArcGIS Blog topics

The site is organized around topics, each with a featured article and other articles related to that topic. Right now, a featured set of ArcGIS products makes up the topics list. Look for additional topics in the future.

ArcGIS Blog search

You can also use the Browse All page or search with specific keywords. Search is available from all topic pages.

Redirects are in place

Our goal is to make this transition as seamless as possible for you. We’ve migrated about 2000 posts including all since 2015 and redirected old links and feeds to their new location. While redirects are in place, we suggest updating your bookmarks and feeds, especially if you had them set to specific categories or tags.

If you follow the blog using RSS, the feed for the entire blog is Feeds for specific products, categories, and tags are also enabled. Here’s an example of each:

Expect the same great content

We will continue to share best practices, guidance, inspiration, and examples for using ArcGIS to accomplish your work. We will also continue to announce product updates and events, and let you know about any software patches or website maintenance. Please dive in, share these posts, and let us know your ideas.

Please note: currently the blog does not support comments. We plan to enable those soon!

About the author

Molly Zurn (she/her) leads Product Engineering writing at Esri. She helps ArcGIS users apply modern GIS best practices and approaches. Outside of work Molly loves to ski, run, and hang out with her family and dogs.

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