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A Note About Names

Esri is making several name changes within ArcGIS. These changes will take effect with the release of ArcGIS 10.1. The reason for these modifications is to reinforce the fact that, regardless of where and how ArcGIS is used, it is the same system. Here are the main changes being made:

Name Prior to ArcGIS 10.1 New Name
ArcGIS Desktop ArcGIS for Desktop
ArcInfo ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced
ArcEditor ArcGIS for Desktop Standard
ArcView ArcGIS for Desktop Basic
ArcGIS Server ArcGIS for Server
ArcGIS Mobile ArcGIS for Windows Mobile
ArcGIS Mobile SDK ArcGIS SDK for Windows Mobile
Esri Data and Maps Data and Maps for ArcGIS
Esri StreetMap Premium StreetMap Premium for ArcGIS
ArcGIS Data Appliance Data Appliance for ArcGIS
ArcGIS Mapping for SharePoint ArcGIS for SharePoint

See also "The Road Ahead for ArcGIS."

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