进行此免费的在线评估,以了解您所在的城市是否已准备好迈出第一步,以转变您与社区互动的方式。 此调查将揭示您城市的地理空间和运营成熟度,并向您展示迈向互联智慧城市之旅的下一步。

Take this simple assessment and find out.

Take your city's Hub readiness to the next level

Fill in this form and find out how you can change your city's resources to become a safer, smarter city of the future with ArcGIS Hub.

Thank You for Taking the Self-Assessment

You've taken the first step to transforming your city. We hope the self-assessment was useful in helping you understand what your city can do — now, and in the near future — to make it a more safe, livable, and sustainable place for your community. ArcGIS Hub is the framework you need to build responsive government and civic engagement.

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