
Mapping tools for COVID-19 response

Observe, understand, and respond with location intelligence

For urgent GIS help, contact Esri’s Disaster Response Program

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Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic

GIS provides public health modeling and mapping tools for surveillance and monitoring, understanding resource capacity and needs, and improving critical communication. Maps deliver the insights needed to plan and respond in a rapidly changing environment and help slow the spread.


Collect real-time data on cases, testing sites, medical facilities, and inventory and capacity for key resources. Visualize the data with maps.


Analyze case data, bed and resource capacity, and community mobility. Identify where critical resources are needed and prioritize interventions.


Deploy resources based on real-time insights from the field, enhance critical communications, and monitor how your efforts are working.

Contact Esri for assistance

How ArcGIS aids response

Inventory and map key resources

Monitor the current inventory of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the capacity and status of facilities. Map the location of these resources and their readiness to deliver critical services.

Get the ArcGIS solution
Dashboard showing available PPE and hospital capacity numbers

Examples of organizations responding around the world


Elections and COVID-19: Ensuring voting safety

GIS applications support and help governments modernize election processes to ensure social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read the article

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Contact us to get started using GIS for response and to get mapping tools for combating COVID-19.