Esri electric heroes inspire

GIS heroes are GIS champions. They have gained respect from electric industry colleagues who see them as problem solvers. Their humble natures and genuine love of GIS make them the people everyone wants to work with. They inspire others to imagine how GIS can help them do their work better. Join us in celebrating these industry leaders who are making a difference every day at their organizations. 

Holly Dewbre | Oncor Electric Delivery

Holly Dewbre has been at Oncor for 21 years and is currently a manager. In 2015, Holly developed a team to help the Transmission organization transition from paper processes to a digital workspace. She works with stakeholders to develop GIS strategies that provide improved situational awareness for those who design, construct, and operate Oncor’s transmission lines and rights-of-way. Holly’s GIS team executes strategies with the support of consultants and Esri partners. The team leverages web and mobile technologies and dashboards to transform disparate data into actionable information.

Holly enjoys spending her spare time with family and experiencing the outdoors.

Holly Dewbre smiling with a short blonde in a grey sweater, wearing gold necklace

Hussam Al Jabri | Muscat Electricity Distribution Company

Hussam Al Jabri is a senior GIS analyst and acting head of GIS at Muscat Electricity Distribution Company (MEDC) in Muscat, Oman. Since 2015, he has designed several dashboards that transform data into usable information, helping strengthen decision-making at MEDC. He is most proud of his work on the digital transformation of maintenance inspection activities, moving the company from a paper-based environment to a smart and interactive environment.

During his spare time, Hussam enjoys brewing specialty coffee, reading, writing, and being with his son.

A portrait of Hussam Al Jabri smiling, enclosed in a yellow circle on a purple background

Keith Aubin | Enel Green Power North America

In 2015, Keith Aubin joined Enel Green Power North America as the sole GIS specialist. He took GIS from being a tool for creating PDF maps to a core business system that supports renewable energy projects. His secret to success is showing the benefits of integrated GIS workflows through proofs of concept, increasing buy-in. Keith's approach led to the founding of the company’s drone program and industry partnerships for analytics processes. In 2020, his efforts culminated in a new IT chapter focused on GIS as a platform, and he received Esri's Enterprise GIS Award. Today, Keith serves as the head of the Digital Hub for Business Development and chapter leader of the Geographical Information Platform.

In his spare time, Keith enjoys spending time outdoors with his son.

Kurt Towler in a blue button-up shirt, smiling and standing outdoors in front of a sign that reads “Geography”

Past GIS heroes


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