SSP Vision

By SSP Innovations

Solution details




SSP Vision is a revolutionary new field data capture product for utilities, telecommunications companies and any organization that manages geographically distributed assets. SSP Vision uses computer vision, machine learning and augmented reality to capture detailed data about assets in the field like poles, cabinets, manholes, meters and more, in a highly automated way. A key aim of SSP Vision is that it is simple and fast enough that construction workers can capture all required data about equipment that they have just installed in the field. This means that Vision has the potential to reduce a company’s as built update backlog from months to minutes, which has a dramatic impact on key company metrics including network reliability, customer service, safety and time to market. For general data capture applications, Vision is simpler, faster and more accurate than manual entry, leading to productivity gains for field staff, and enabling data capture to be done where it would not otherwise be practical.


Electric & Gas,Pipeline,Telco,Water Resources,Water, Wastewater & Stormwater

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