Similix Outage Management System


Solution details




MANAGE YOUR OUTAGES EFFICIENTLY High availability and quality of service is key in the utility industry. Being able to manage planned as well as unplanned outages is crucial not only to reduce the negative impact on customers but also to increase the insight into what causes outages and what can be done to prevent these. The Similix Outage Management System (OMS) is outage management made simple. Integrated directly into the Esri ArcGIS Utility Network, the Similix OMS is taking advantage of the state-of-the-art GIS platform for the utility industry. With Similix OMS you have also a solution where you can easily record, track and manage customer outage reports. In addition to this, the Similix OMS enables you to quickly identify failing equipment and affected customers. The advanced tracing functionality singles-out the location of the failing equipment that causes the outage and identifies the customers affected by the outage. With the Similix Outage Management System, you get an easy-to-use outage management system that will optimize your processes and increase your insight and service levels when managing outages. BENEFITS Directly integrated to the Esri ArcGIS Utility Network using the advanced tracing capabilities Web-based securing scalability, easy deployment and fast upgrades Modern service-based architecture Tracking incident history including the period of the outage, time to restoration, number of affected customers, etc. Dashboards with real-time data reporting and KPI follow-up


Electric & Gas,Telco,Water, Wastewater & Stormwater

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