Solution details
Similix CIM Adaptor provides standards-based integration for electric utilities. It enables ArcGIS Enterprise with Utility Network to serve as the master data system for control room systems like ADMS, ODMS, and SCADA, as well as for power analytics systems in grid planning departments. IEC TC57 61970 & 61968 CIM is an international standard for describing and exchanging information about the electrical model, including both assets and connectivity. The Similix CIM Adaptor supports all versions of the CIM standard. The scope of data exchange is defined by a CIM Profile. This profile is often provided by the vendor of the system receiving CIM files from the Utility Network but can also be developed by the utility. Similix CIM Adaptor supports any CIM Profile defined within the CIM standard, including custom extensions. The Similix CIM Adaptor supports multiple integration scenarios: 1. Pull – Full Feeder a) An external system requests a full export of one or more feeders. b) The selected feeders are then exported as CIM files with the structure and data scope defined by the CIM Profile. Reference: HK Electric in Hong Kong 2. Push – Full Feeder a) A program monitors changes at the feeder level in ArcGIS since the last export. b) Changed feeders are then automatically exported from GIS either by event trigger or on a schedule. References: - Lnett in Norway:,deployment%20of%20ArcGIS%20Utility%20Network. - ESO in Lithuania: 3. Push – Difference File / Patch-Based a) The CIM difference file export is triggered by an event or on a schedule, for example, as part of the commissioning process in ADMS. b) The CIM difference file is based on a version in GIS. c) The files include both past and future states of an object (forward and backward differences). d) A full-feeder export is sent afterward for comparison, ensuring system synchronization. e) After commissioning in ADMS, a signal is sent to GIS, triggering the version to be posted to Default. Reference: Andel in Denmark