Intersection Manager

By Rizing

Solution details




Designed as an ArcMap/ArcPro add-in tool, Intersection Manager (IM) assists transportation agencies with populating several of the Model Inventory of Roadway Elements (MIRE) Fundamental Data Elements (FDEs) recommended by FHWA. Populated data can then be used with safety analysis tools including Safety Analyst. IM generates a single-point intersection geometry at the intersection of every crossing road in the GIS. It populates route and measure, calculates and populates angles of approach, and defines the extent of intersection “legs.” Complex intersections or interchanges are also delineated and populated with appropriate attribution. Using that single-point location and a primary key, the other key attributes needed to support the intersection MIRE data structures can be associated to the intersection. Features such as the crossing, route segments, and approach legs can then be associated to the single-point geometry via the primary key. FDEs including associated intersection leg identities, angles of approach, influence extents, major/ minor route designations, and traffic volumes are then populated for each intersection component from the GIS and associated road data.


Highways & Roads

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