By Quality Positioning Services, Inc (QPS)

Solution details




FMBIS is the QPS solution for bathymetric data management and the deployment of bathymetric data, products, and related information. This optional module provides QPS clients with the ability to further analyze, interpret, and publish their data using ArcGIS; ultimately, it's part of the QINSy Premium end-to-end seamless solution – acquisition, processing, validation, databasing, and serving to the Cloud. Further, it puts your data in the environment – ArcGIS – to easily take advantage of new industry-standard data models built in Esri geodatabase format, such as the Seabed Survey Data Model for Oil & Gas surveys. FMBIS makes it easy to see, use, and serve your data holdings, ensuring you can support all uses and all users with the same data, through products they are accustomed to working with. FMBIS is an essential add-on for: - Port management including dredging planning and monitoring, operations, security, and maintenance. - Hydrographic data producers and managers. - Ocean Science. - Offshore energy. - Maritime defense. - Anyone utilizing bathymetry as a base layer for planning, analysis or research. FMBIS is built on Esri ArcGIS technology – technology that is the standard and the leader in geospatial applications worldwide. It is a collection of both standard ArcGIS options and additional tools specifically built for working with bathymetric data. ArcGIS has been the standard GIS package in many organizations for decades, and many are already using it to create, manage, and publish geospatial information for land survey, lidar, transportation networks, etc. FMBIS brings the power of ArcGIS to the ocean.


Conservation,Geologic,Map, Chart & Data Production,Marine,Maritime,Petroleum

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