Parcel and Cadastral Fabrics

By MNC Ltd.

Solution details




MNC provides parcel conversion and migration services into Esri's latest parcel fabric data model. This includes the Local Government Information Model (LGIM) and Canadian Parcel Data Model (CPDM), as well as Esri's latest parcel fabric data model for ArcGIS Pro. For more than 25 years, MNC has managed several province-wide surface land mapping datasets in Alberta utilizing CAD and GIS technologies. In addition, MNC has completed significant parcel mapping projects in British Columbia (BC), Manitoba, the State of Florida, and currently in Barbados. MNC understands the value of an accurate spatial representation of land ownership and interest parcels. Their team of experienced GIS specialists and land surveyors support their clients with proven vectorization and spatial adjustment solutions that are tailored to meet each client’s unique requirements. MNC is recognized as an expert in GIS and CAD digital data and has worked extensively with government agencies. Continuous improvement, automation, and quality control are the primary drivers for successfully completing extremely challenging projects. Projects thought impossible, overly expensive, or excessively complex are their specialty. For more information about MNC, visit


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