Available Transfer Capacity

By LandGate Corp

Solution details




Available Transfer Capacity (ATC) measures the additional electrical power that can be reliably transferred over the transmission network while meeting safety requirements. This data is crucial for operators to understand the grid's capacity to handle more power without causing instability or reliability issues. Governed by NERC standards and regional ISO/RTO criteria, ATC analysis is essential when proposing a new generator for interconnection. It ensures the existing transmission infrastructure can accommodate the additional power flow without exceeding operational limits, maintaining system reliability and stability. ATC analysis relies on several key inputs: base case models and system topology for a full representation of the electric grid, single and multiple line contingency files for emergency and planned outages, and estimated network upgrade cost data by type and voltage rating. These inputs are provided by ISO/RTOs. Additionally, LandGate PowerData contributes a detailed geospatial model of the transmission network, including bus and generator locations, accurately reflecting the network's physical and operational characteristics, and calculating transmission line paths and distances.



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