JW Comm Inc

Quebec, QC, Canada


J W COMM INC. has been developing, analyzing and integrating geo-demographic information into decision support systems for over 15 years. Through the analysis of customer and point of service locations, we have provided over 20 clients in the health, retail and education sectors with the basis for developing successful marketing and development strategies. In the last 3 years we have developed a secure web based system for the geo-demographic modeling of health client data for Official Language Minorities using Esri technology (ArcGIS, Spatial Analyst, Network Analyst). In collaboration with research teams from three universities in Canada we are currently developing a geographic data model of targeted population segments to provide policy and program guidelines for minority population health access.



Development of best practices for Desktop GIS application for the analysis of demographic data. We apply exploratory spatial analysis techniques in epidemiological studies of primary health access to identify clustering patterns and we provide access to the results in ArcGIS OnLine. Our focus is on the spatial analysis and visualization of client health and relevant service use data for decision support and policy development.

Services Provided:

Application Development, Data Model & Database Design, GIS Strategy and Planning, Hosting Services, Needs and Requirements, Training Services