Solution details
RiskGIS is a web based solution for finding, evaluating and mitigating risks using Spatial Technology. By utilizing location and time as well as traditional statistical methods for risk management we can take your Risk Management capabilities to the next level. The RiskGIS Server Application brings Risk Management functionality to a wider range of users. By refining advanced analysis into clear use cases, risk analysis in no longer a tool for experts only - the RiskGIS web application brings Situational Awareness to the end user workspace. The web application utilizes the latest Microsoft Silverlight technology and provides the end user with outstanding usability and performance. It is based on the Esri ArcGIS Server REST and SOAP technology and can be scaled to suite different sizes and needs of organisations. InPlace Solutions Ltd has a long and proven track recording in providing web GIS solutions. The RiskGIS Server is built on the same basis: the key is to integrate and consolidate your data into a single mapping portal, thus giving you ease of acces to diverse data.