G-CWIS tool (GIS applications in CWIS approach)


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Achieving SDG 6.2 targets necessitates comprehensive, inclusive sanitation. The Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) approach supports this, yet identifying beneficiaries can be challenging. The geo-spatial CWIS framework offers a detailed analysis for city sanitation, spanning individual households to entire settlements. The G-CWIS tool (GIS applications in CWIS approach) has been instrumental in the granular planning of city sanitation and in ensuring safe sanitation access for all, including vulnerable and marginalized groups. Its applications span across the sanitation value chain, including the development of house-to-house schemes for safe containment access, locating and assessing the need for upgrades of both public and community toilets, and managing sludge collection, transport, and safe disposal with re-use opportunities. Key assessments of the G-CWIS application include identifying flood-prone, landslide, and waterlogged risk areas, watershed assessments, and delineating both sewered and non-sewered zones in large cities for hybrid interventions. It also enables proximity analysis for service coverage with respect to potential locations of treatment plants, identifies hard-to-reach areas that need customized desludging, and locates re-use opportunity hotspots from treatment plants. It optimizes the system by sizing and locating a mix of infrastructure, including transfer stations and treatment plants. The framework aligns with city-wide applications, distinguishing zones for sewer and non-sewer interventions, and suggesting locations for treatment plants. The geo-spatial data collected during planning forms the base for the IMIS monitoring and management system, ensuring robust operations and service benchmarks across the sanitation chain. Despite limited data availability, this GIS-based framework extracts information from open-source applications. InnPact Solutions, supported by the Global Water and Sanitation Centre, Thailand (GWSC) and other partner agencies, anchored the development of this tool on the ArcGIS platform. It has been successfully applied in fifteen cities across India, Bangladesh, and Nepal, facilitating large-scale investments from IFI/donor agencies and fostering stakeholder consensus building.


Water, Wastewater & Stormwater

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