Tribal Cultural Resource Information System

By Innovate!, Inc.

Solution details




Innovate and the Cow Creek Band of the Umpqua Tribe of Indians have worked jointly to develop a web-based application to track and manage requests in support of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). The application allows the Tribal Historic Preservation Officers to login to a secure system on their own servers and manage these requests. The end user can log incoming requests and then track the status of these requests through the process of investigation. As more information is gathered on given activities it is tracked in the database with textual description and is also mapped. This then allows the tribe to have a historic collection of previous requests at their fingertips. Included in the system is a number of custom reports that allow the cultural resources department to quickly list all current projects and status of those projects. In addition, this allows the department to manage and prioritize the work that has been requested. The Cow Creek band has used this tool to facilitate their grant requirements and has greatly streamlined their system. The backend of the system utilizes standard software that Tribes have free access to via the BIA Esri Enterprise License Agreement (ELA). Such as ArcGIS Portal, ArcGIS Server and Enterprises Geodatabase. The field data collection part of the project is set up to leverage Esri’s ArcGIS Collector, that is also available via the BIA ELA.


Archaeological & Historic Preservation

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